Friday, January 30, 2009

Coachella 2009.

oh my GOD!! for 3 weeks i have been checking every single day to see if the lineup was leaked, and since everyone was doing the same thing, the anticipation for this year's Coachella was crazy. it's finally here and i have to say that i'm very pleased. Paul McCartney, Morrissey, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Amy Winehouse!, The Black Keys, Conor Oberst, Leonard Fucking Cohen!!!, Dr. Dog, M. Ward, Fleet Foxes, i love this lineup! and there's a lot of smaller bands that i would like to see too, Friendly Fires, Glass Candy, Gang Gang Dance, The Kills, Sebastien Tellier...although this year is not as excellent as 2007, i'm still going to all 3 nights, no matter what!!! now i just need to convince someone i know that they have to go to all 3 nights too!

p.s. i'm so doing the layaway plan, lol.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The sound of loneliness makes me happier...

Conor Oberst's music and lyrics make me drunk...

they make me want to write love poems, listen to sad love songs, run in a field full of daisies wearing a white sundress, skip down the street holding hands, play jumprope and skin my knees...drink a strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream...

the songs make me choke up with emotion and i cry and scream and yearn...and while the tears run down my cheeks i still do hope that i will one day be able to listen to "Poison Oak" without almost collapsing from the mixture of emotions it makes me feel.

oh it's dangerous to listen to Bright Eyes but it's well worth it too.

casate conmigo mi hermoso amante...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Zombie Hello Kitty cake.

a very creative person made this zombie Hello Kitty cake...i love it!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hold Time.

NPR was streaming the new M. Ward album "Hold Time" a few days ago, and i was able to listen to it twice. i kept thinking about it and how much i wanted to listen to it and was sad that i had to wait until Feb. 17. but knowing that people out there are as impatient as me when it comes to new music, i checked my downloading site and i was very surprised to find it there, somebody was able to download it from NPR. God bless them! i've listened to it twice again and i love it even more! it's perfect for the way i've been feeling lately, it's ethereal and favorite songs right now are:
"Stars of Leo" (so i try to surround myself with real love, you know the kind that makes the wheels go round)

"One Hundred Million Years" (and this love, this love between you and i, is older than that burning ball of fire up in the sky)

"Oh Lonesome Me" (must be some way i can lose these lonesome blues...forget about my past and find someone new)

"Outro" brings tears to my eyes! it's just so damn beautiful!

adoro tu voz...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Years of Refusal.

Must have download: Morrissey, Years of Refusal. it's soooooooo effing good.
the songs i like the best right now are "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris" ( 'only stone and steel accept my love' ) "Something Is Squeezing My Skull" (for the pharmacist tech in me), "All You Need Is Me" (because that's true), "It's Not Your Birthday Anymore" ( 'did you really think we meant all those syrupy sentimental things we said?' ) and "I'm OK By Myself"(when i think about converting to asexualism i think about Morrissey).

but really, every song is a gem.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jay-Z vs Radiohead.

a mash of Radiohead and Jay-Z, and very cool so far.
reminds me of one of Girl Talk's remixes. can be downloaded at:

p.s. all my music and picture files are chaos...i wish i can hire someone to organize them for me, 'cause i'm too lazy...

Saturday, January 3, 2009